

work is getting stressful. i'm hitting the 1Y barrier at which i'm required to be more than just pretty and enthusiastic. add to this that we're short staffed by 2 (leaving brian and me to do the pricing and philipp to do the managing), and well, my days are not happy. i keep reminding myself that banking is a windfall for me, and it isn't the rest of my life, not necessarily, so if i screw up and get fired, meh. i'll just go back and...what? get a masters? go to law school? go to MED SCHOOL?! ha, fat chance. i'm not freaking out, just taking a step back. gosh.

its funny the things that keep you sane. i'm only 22, i've still got options. i feel like i'll be saying that well into my 50s, but that's ok.


lily said...

ok ok, rereading this post, i realize it sounds like i'm gonna get fired. i'm not, but i'm constantly afraid that i'll make some stupid mistake that costs tons of money and bad things will happen. my boss is very happy with my performance. i just tend toward melodrama.

Melissa said...

well, if your boss is happy, that's ok, right? and it's ok to make a mistake. it's just not ok to let it happen again. :)

and from what i remember, you "add flavor" to the floor. :D

aTong said...

yes, come to med school with me. and the other crazy people. it will be fun!

Paul said...

Nice "quarter-life-crisis" Lily. You buying a motorcycle? Just kidding. Take a deep breath. Stay at your job as long as it's aligned with your goals. If it really starts interfering with your happiness, don't get fired, fire the job!

lily said...

thanks guys. i would buy a motorcycle, except i'm afraid of crashing and breaking my legs. what would you say if i quite my job and became a housewife? i could pop out babies for a living and teach them to play ulty.

aTong said...

i was watching a program on discovery health today which followed a mormon family of 14 kids (monogamous). the wife was pregnant with the 15th. it followed her through the birth of her son then by the end of the show she was pregnant w/ her 16th. that's enough for 2 teams! with subs!

lily said...

haha, sometimes i even think about quitting my job and becoming a housewife. that's quite the spread between ages!