
wind and water

the spark plug in my ac died. i've been staying at jon's. now i'm addicted to cheddar cheese sandwiches. not a day goes by that i do not miss their mustardy goodness.

in other news, i'm learning how to wakeboard. the learning curve is surprisingly mild, probably b/c falling holds no fear. altho, i did fall on my face hard enough to give myself a dull headache. i've gone three times, and i can already go goofy (sorta), go one handed, carve (sorta), and jump (sorta). by jump, i mean i can go outside of the wake on my toe edge, and come back into the wake hard on my heel edge, catching a little bit of air on the transition. i still can't land a bunnyhop. i doubt we'll do this enough to learn real tricks (prohibitive costs), but its cool to be able to pseudo wakeboard. i'm all about pseudo skillz.


Lori said...

Yay wakeboarding! Jumping heelside is way easier than toeside because the landing is easier because you land facing the boat. Plus, if you mess up your landing heelside, you fall on your butt instead of your face. Face hurts more.

I couldn't jump much until I built up the courage to pick up some speed on the last ~15 feet of my approach. But I still suck at it. Once you start clearing the wake you'll get even MORE cool points.

aTong said...

does this involve a boat pulling you? or are you on your own like surfing?

lily said...

a boat creates the wake. lori--i managed to fall on my face twice while landing heelside...in fact, most of my falls are face plants. i'm gifted that way (or my head is very heavy?).

Olivia/Liver said...

Are these melty cheddar cheese sandwiches or cold ones?

What kind of mustard are we talking? How come the cheddar cheese goodness isn't good enough on its own...?

lily said...

well, technically, they're branston pickle sandwiches...which i think is a strictly british phenomenon...and of course they're melty! currently, we're talking french's mustard...the good ole yellow kind. jon is trying to convince me that adding apple slices will improve the sandwich, but i remain skeptical.