
procrastinating from procrastinating

i know i know! i'm way behind on my posting, but i really really wanted to share some things that are easier to share first (i.e. spam):

re fashion and retail:

“We as a business cannot afford to have a customer take a second look and ask, ‘Do I need this?’ ” said Bud Konheim, the chief executive of Nicole Miller. “That is the kiss of death. We’re finished, because nobody really needs anything we make as a total industry.”

AHA! and AMEN! except the super nifty sporty things that make my blood flow more efficiently and keep me cool/warm/dry all at the same time. these things, i cannot live without.

re the best vocation ever: who DOESN'T want to be a gurgitory athlete?

re becoming inspector gadget: we're one step closer to controlling robot limbs with our thoughts. unfortunately, we need to have a chip implanted in our heads, with wires trailing out of it...and i wonder what happens if the wires get wet...do monkeys bathe? anyways. do do do do do inspector gadget, do do do do do...DO DO! DO DO!

to keep me honest (and b/c i love lists), upcoming posts:
  • yangshuo trip
  • jeju tourney
  • beijing trip
  • your mom
  • your face


mkimchee said...

um... I'm still waiting for THE story.

lily said...

um...what's THE story?