
back to the grind

it's my second day of work today, which for me, means getting back to a routine, finding more reading material for the tube (stat!), learning to use a mac, and giving up my daytime tv (b/c all my tv channels are owned by the british gov, there are always pairs of stations that play the same thing: e4, e4+1, channel 4, channel 4 + 1, virgin, virgin+1, etc etc. as you can imagine, the +1's just play the same programming an hour later. i've been known to watch the same gilmore girls episode 2 hours in a row. their quirky gab is irresistable (and infinitely preferable to the unscripted gobbledygook of big brother). for you, it probably means more frequent blog posts.

and all that is to say that work is boring. always. i had dinner with philipp, my boss at credit suisse last night, and i found out that i don't miss it. not the politics. not the ass kissing. and definitely not...hmmm...did i mention politics? legally, i'm not allowed to work yet (shhhh!), which is to say, i'm not getting paid. ooof. and even when i do get paid, it will be measily compared to my last salary. but meh, i can't live on the $10 daily allowance that jon's giving me. i'm just not that low maintenance (and public transport costs a pair of limbs in london). so for now, i'm working 3 days a week, not getting paid, and hoping that eventually, i'll get a spousal visa for the uk. until then, who knows.


Yelena said...

Where do you work???

Also, I would totally watch the same gilmore girls episode for 2 hours. Oh, and have you seen veronica mars? The dialogue in that show is good too! I just rewatched it with my roommates while I had to stay home with my concussion.

Anonymous said...

Yes, where do you work? Is credit suisse? how far from you home?anyway that is good new right? Congratulation!

lily said...

yeah! i totally watch veronica mars too...but it takes a lot of concentration. i always miss bits of the plot and then get lost, and then i have a good excuse to watch the episode over again. it's uncanny that you mentioned it, actually, b/c veronica mars comes on right before gilmore girls.

i work at a small energy broker called nationwide utilities. i'm technically their business analyst.

Anonymous said...

so how do you work without pay? that sucks!
glad to hear you found a job at least though... hopefully money comes in!!

lily said...

well, i think the plan is that when i get a work visa, they will pay me a lump sum to account for all hours i've worked to date...but i essentially have to take their word for it.

Melissa said...

congrats on the job! =)

office politics sucks. i will not be missing it either!