

i sprained my ankle last night at pickup. i didn't even step in a hole or on a foot/umbrella handle. all i did was step. i guess my legs were pretty tired from the 3 hours of beach disc sat night and the 8km run sunday morning...but today my muscles aren't sore at all. as sprains go, its pretty mild--definite tearing of stuff, but no discoloration. i had to hop up my 5 flights of stairs last night, but today, i can put pressure on it. i'm seeing the physio 3 times this week for ultrasound. i love health insurance.

other than that, the weekend was terrific. saturday, we played beach from 3-6. towards the end, we were playing games to 5, make it take it, which is an AWFUL idea on sand. turnovers cost so much more, and you're basically running nonstop. i tried to cover jon on two of his deep cuts, but he blew right by me. pshhh, boys. great fun tho. the next morning, we caught the 8:30am pats vs jags game in stanley at MAIN STREET USA, an ostensibly american bar with a swiss chef (they even had swiss fondue on the menu). very nice eggs. go pats!

afterwards, we jogged the catchwater back to parkview. the catchwater is the flatest jog in hk, except at the end where you're going uphill for 10 min straight. phew. i love jogging back to parkview, b/c linda and hubert always feed us well. last week, hubert made true german goulash (it stewed for over 24 hours). this week, we had smoothies. we just had time to ride the bus back to central and pick up our cleats before heading to pickup.

today, jon is home sick with a cold, and i'm gimping around the streets of the city. go us!

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