
not an addict

baby, that's a lie.

i've been (psuedo) addicted to ibuprofen and caffeine. lemme tell ya, they're nothing. i'm in the clutches of something much more powerful, much more insipid now. if you're my friend, pls, intervene.

i stayed up till 4 am last night playing wii with jon. we beat the stupid game at midnight and spent three more hours driving around in stupid circles. wii on a school night? not a good idea...today, i can barely focus my eyes. this stuff is in my veins.

i realize my blog is becoming about my wii...i can't help it. this is what my life is about right now. this is what addiction does to me...i will never again poo poo a mommy blog. i promise.


Paul said...

I think you should attach weights to your wrists when you play Wii. Then, it'll either make it so you can't play as much, or give you guns that will have to be registered as lethal weapons. Either way you win.

lily said...

or it could give me tendonitis...then i could sue wii..ok you're right. i'm buying weights tomorrow.

actually, sometimes when i play, i try to sit in a stretch position...does that count?